Annual Forum of Electrical Engineering Deans of Chinese Universities

Le Master ASE est à l'honneur à l"Annual Forum of Electrical Engineering Deans of Chinese Universities" (18 October 2020, Wenzhou, China)

Le Master ASE est à l'honneur à l"Annual Forum of Electrical Engineering Deans of Chinese Universities"  (18 October 2020, Wenzhou, China).

Le Master ASE a été sélectionné comme une référence à présenter aux Doyens des facultés de Génie Électrique des universités chinoises. Il a ainsi été présenté le 18 octobre devant plus de 200 participants de nombreuses universités chinoises. La qualité de notre Master a donc été reconnue et sa structuration est considérée comme une source d'inspiration par les organisateurs du forum (lien vers la présentation).

Résumé de la présentation (English version)

In 1999, the European Union started to uniform the higher education degrees in 48 countries by structural reforms. In 2002, the BMD (Bachelor, Master, Doctorate) process defined a baseline of 3 years for Bachelor, 2 years for Master, and 3 years for Doctorate to increase staff and students' mobility and to facilitate employability. In 2010, the European Higher Education Area (EHEA, is created to build a common set of commitment. The BMD process has been adopted in France in 2002, for a progressive transition to the new European scheme. From the previous French organization, the Master degrees are organized in 2 different options in France: Master for Research (dedicated to continue in Doctorate) and Master for Industry (dedicated for direct employability in industry). In the second year, this Master is composed of 4 options: 1 dedicated to Research, 2 dedicated to Industry, and 1 hybrid. The case of the Master option “Smart Electric Vehicles” will be discussed as it has been recently created to respond to the necessary change in the automotive industry.


Le Master ASE est fortement adossé aux laboratoires de recherche L2EP ( et Cristal (, ce qui lui permet un fort rayonnement international et industriel.